Box Creator

Box Creator

Hii ..! This time I come with another small projectšŸ˜Š . I have created a Box Creator in which you have to put your choice and that will create boxes for you upto infinite digits check this and see the result⍗

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int  x, y;
char name[50];
cout << "Enter your Name:" << endl;
cout << "Enter the no of lines:" << endl;
cout << "Enter the Valid value" << endl;
else {
cout << " ***************" << endl;
for(y=0; y<=x; y++)
cout << " |             |" << endl;
cout << " ***************" <<"\nHey!! see the magic\n" << name << endl;
return 0;

Run it on this ..........
Follow these steps to submit your choice
1. Enter your Name
2. Enter your choice and submit the result.
Note: Add your name first and enter your choice in new line.